Looking back over 2014 and partly 2015 I did some cool and fun things. I decided to make a list of 10 things I'd like to do this year. Some big, some small, but important to me none the less. I want to try and tick as many of these off the list as possible and I should probably get a move on as it's mid February now!
1. Visit Glasgow (Again). To be honest I've spent lots of time in Glasgow and I absolutely love it there. It's the only place where I would move in a heartbeat. (Tokyo is a close second.. But I've never actually been there lol!). I went by ferry a few years ago and it was so nice but flying from Ireland is so easy, about 20-25 mins in the air. I love everything about Glasgow. The people, events, shops (!!!) and the nightlife! Oh, and I can't forget that accent!! I've also come across some of the best food there. I wanna go back so bad right now..

2. Go to more concerts. I've always been an avid concert go-er. Concerts and festivals are my thing. Hell, music in general is just my thing. I've seen so many amazing acts over the years. I'm so lucky. This year I definitely want to add to that list though. Belsonic and Tennant's Vital are two festivals in Northern Ireland and I tend to try and not miss either for at least a day of the line up. They usually happen around the same time so last year I managed to see Bry, Twenty One Pilots, All Time Low, Echosmith, Bastille, Ellie Goulding, John Newman and Calvin Harris in the space of a few days - amazing!

3. Beach evenings in Ireland. I spent a few days at the beach with my friends last year. Obviously, living in Ireland these are few and far between unless you feel like wrapping up before the beach to avoid getting frostbite. But these are some of my favourite nights. My friend just kinda came to collect me and a few of us went down and just walked along the beach and it's so nice. Maybe being outside isn't that bad after all..
4. Travel more. This one is a bit more broad but I kinda just wanna spend a little less time here at home. Maybe take a shopping trip somewhere else, maybe just go on a random adventure. This is just something I really want to do more and get out of my comfort zone.
5. Nerd out more. Ok, so anyone who knows me personally knows my deep passion for all things nerdy. I definitely want to nerd out more in general. Probably did enough for the whole of 2016 after seeing Deadpool last night. It was everything I expected and more. The violence, gore and sarcasm was on point. I couldn't love it any more if I tried. But yeah, lets talk about films, games and general geekery more on here, deal?
6. Explore my home town more. When having a discussion with a friend lately I realised there's so many things, places and activities I've missed out on. I never venture much into my home town. I spend my time in the cinema, shopping, in food places or home. I never really see what this place has got to offer. Last year I did a handful of fun things around here, some including a haunted walk around the city walls and a halloween haunted house. I'd definitely be up for more in 2016!
7. Fire pit with my friends. This one is really just a good people, good times and good stories kinda vibe. I just love hanging with my friends, maybe having a drink and a good catch up because we don't see each other so much now life kinda gets in the way so these times are precious and the best. Here's to more!
8. CREATE. I love drawing/painting and just creating art. Wether that is through art, music, photography or even blogging. I always need a creative outlet and I always have. This blog has really helped me to realise that and start to get my creative juices flowing again at the end of 2015 and I really want to carry that into 2016. It helps keep me sane! So here's to more posts, drawing/art and music! (I will continue to play/get better at guitar too)

9. Expand my make up knowledge. Make up is a passion of mine, I love everything about it. How it makes me feel when I complete a look and think I've nailed it, the before and after, the creative-ness of it, the limitless boundaries. You can do anything you want with make up, it has no rules. I really want to expand everything I know. I want to know more about products, brands, application, what suits which skin types etc. I just want to absorb everything I can! I also want to attend classes/tutorials on make up. I want to increase my application skills a lot. I just love a beat face, ok?

10. Expand my blog. This one is kinda obvious but I've realised lately I love doing this. I love buying new products and trying them out and then to have a place to write what I think and interact with other people and hear their thoughts and opinions is pretty cool. I also love now that when I read about products I know it's from a mutual make up lover and not someone getting paid to give a good review (pet peeve!). I love how I can trust others opinions and hopefully you all can trust mine too. It's a community on here and I want to delve deeper into that and make more friends/mutuals. Talk to me and ask me questions, I'm excited to answer them and talk with you!!

So there you go, thats what I want to do/achieve in 2016. I know it's a bit late as most people do this in the new year but it honestly took me this long to figure out what I wanted to do! I also hope this let you get a closer look into me and what I like etc. I thought it was time for a personal post on here.. So, let me know things you want to do/improve on! Let's have a talk..
(◍•ᴗ•◍) - ♡