I'm Maria Armstrong and this is my venture into all things me.
My interest into window shopping online, browsing other blogs/vlogs and general over buying of all things nice has led me here.
I love reading blog posts about make up and fashion, watching all the beauty tutorials online from day to day make up to sfx, watching daily vlogs and catching up on everyones ootd.
That's where I spied a gap.. As a girl who can wear plus size clothes I found there isn't as many blogs, profiles and general social media places to find out about these areas from people who are plus sized.
These bloggers etc are very few and far between and I want to help bridge the gap between 'plus size' clothing and just clothing.
I want to help people like me to have more choice when it comes to bloggers (or people who's style they generally admire) and to know every piece posted is available for them to wear.
I'm only 23 and I want to find more plus sized pieces available to me to cater to my own unique style and youthfulness and also help others find them who are in a similar position to myself.
I'll also post make up posts and tutorials on here and general lifestyle posts of whatever I find enjoyable and want to share with you!
Hopefully you'll come here for the content and stay as I will try my best to improve and help you all find clothes to make you feel as great as I will in them.
ps. don't be alarmed when you inevitably find nerdy posts cropping up. that's a sure thing!